IDP Voices - Kumar Vijayaranee
We were in Jaffna and we came during the 1995 Sooriyakathir military offensive to Chavakachcheri. We were there for about four or five months. I was already married and had three children at that time.
 We then came to Padiyankulam in Mullaithivu. We had to displace from there once to Kalvilan but returned to Pandiyankulam. However, this time we first displaced to Mallavi. We left most of our belongings in Pandiyankulam because we had no money to transport them. From Mallavi we came to Skanthapuram and then to Murippu and from there we came here to Vaddakachchi. All along during displacement, we lived under trees. We were not even given a tarpaulin, although we asked several organizations. I do not want to live in a camp because army will bomb camps. He will bomb a camp and say that he killed LTTE. Rather we have a hole here (bunker). That is the first thing we dug when we arrived. Tree is our home. If he bombs when we are in this hole what can we do? We are so used to aerial bombing you know. When we were at sea in Jaffna he used to bomb. We will jump into the sea and then come up after the bomber leaves. In Jaffna my husband and I both did fishing. We did really well. Here we are begging for food. I have no relatives here. All my brothers are in government area. I can’t go there. If we are to go, we could have gone long ago. But what will the military do to my children I we go there. I do not know where they will cut up my children. It happened to my cousin. He was chopped up and thrown in a bush on a rock in the middle of the sea. How much torture they did to him? It happened after A9 was closed in August 2006. Another cousin disappeared after army arrested him. That is why I do not want to take my children there. At least here the LTTE take young people but they bring them back to us sometime. My daughter volunteered to join the LTTE instead of my son who is injured after a tractor accident. My children had no education since we left Pandiyankulam. I have six children. My eldest is injured and he cannot work. My second joined the LTTE. We wanted the other four to study but now it is all getting ruined. In Pandiyankulam, my husband was a fish vendor. I also worked for daily wages. Now there is no income. Only god knows when we can return to our village and live in peace. The UN left even after we pleaded with them not to go. Now we have to all die. For IDP voices - Shanmuganathan Sathianathana
25 September 2008